USA: Affiliates united in opposition to proposed education budget cuts

The Bush administration’s budget proposal cuts federal education funding by more than $2.1 billion; eliminating or reducing 141 programs, 42 of which are education related. Reg Weaver president of the NEA, said: “President Bush’s proposed budget cuts education programs…would represent the largest cut proposed by any president in the last 19 years. This $2.1 billion cut would come on top of a $624 million cut enacted by Congress in December as part of the FY 06 education funding bill.” Edward J McElroy, president of the AFT, concurred: “The President's cuts in student loans will preclude millions of low- and middle-income students from attending college. Even as the President talks about the importance of making American students more competitive in math and science, his student loan cuts are likely to prevent students from affording higher education in those and other fields. ” Both unions aim to work with congress to draft a budget that ensures better public schools for every child.

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