Education International’s association with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the involvement with the Council of Global Unions (CGU) shall not affect its status as an independent and autonomous body and shall allow neither ITUC nor the CGU to interfere in Education International’s internal affairs; furthermore,
(i) any change in this relationship shall be subject to ratification by the Education International’s World Congress, and,
(ii) affiliation of member organisations with national trade union centres shall be a matter to be determined solely by the member organisation concerned.
(a) An application for membership, duly authorised by the applicant's governing body [ref. Article 4(d) of the Constitution] shall be lodged with the General Secretary and shall include a completed application form, a statement that it will subscribe to the aims and principles of the Education International and a copy of the Constitution of the applicant organisation.
(b) Applications shall be considered by the Executive Board at the first meeting following receipt. At this meeting the General Secretary shall inform the Executive Board about the results of the consultations with any member organisations in the country of the applicant organisation.
(c) Notice shall be sent to the applicant organisation and any member organisation in the same country within fifteen days of the decision of the Executive Board. An appeal to the World Congress may be filed by:
(i) a member organisation in the same country contesting a decision to admit;
(ii) any member organisation supporting an application for membership that has been denied.
Any appeal must be filed in writing to the General Secretary not more than 120 days after the decision of the Executive Board. The decision of the World Congress shall be final.
(d) Where a membership matter is referred to the Committee of Experts by the Executive Board the appeal procedures shall be as specified in By-Law 4(j).
(a) An organisation which applies for membership of Education International but which, in the opinion of the Executive Board or of the Committee of Experts, does not meet fully the criteria for membership may be offered associate membership by the Executive Board for a limited period in order to enable it to adjust to meet fully the criteria for membership.
(b) Associate membership may be granted initially for a period of four years or less. Associate membership may be granted by the Executive Board to an organisation for a further period of four years or less but such membership shall be limited in all circumstances to periods totalling not more than eight years.
(c) The list of organisations with the status of associate member must be reported to each Congress.
(d) An organisation with the status of associate member will be entitled to
(i) Participate in EI activities and programmes
(ii) Receive EI publications, advice and assistance
(e) An organisation with the status of associate member will be required to
(i) Meet the Constitutional obligations provided for member organisations in Article 6 (b),
(ii) Pay membership dues at a rate to be determined by the Executive Board but which will not, in any event, be less than seventy-five per cent of the rate applying to other member organisations in the country concerned, if such exist, and
(iii) Report annually to the EI Executive Board on the steps which the organisation has taken to meet fully the EI membership criteria.
(f) An organisation with the status of associate member will not be allowed
(i) to vote in elections to EI governing bodies at global or regional level
(ii) to nominate a representative to stand for election to an EI governing body at regional or global level
(iii) to participate in meetings of EI governing bodies at regional or global levels, other than as an observer.
(g) At the end of each period of associate membership the Executive Board shall satisfy itself that the organisation either
(i) meets fully the membership criteria, in which case it shall be admitted into membership, or
(ii) has made satisfactory efforts to meet the membership criteria but does not fully meet the criteria and should be granted a further period of associate membership, subject to the overall limit in (b) above, in which to complete its adjustment, or
(iii) has made no effort to meet fully the membership criteria, in which case associate membership shall be withdrawn.
(a) The Committee of Experts shall be composed of a minimum of five and a maximum of seven members to be appointed by the Executive Board. One of the members of the Committee shall be designated by the Executive Board as the Committee's Chairperson. In agreement with the Chairperson, the General Secretary, who shall serve as the Committee's Administrative Secretary and provide all administrative services needed for the accomplishment of the Committee's tasks, shall convene and prepare Committee meetings.
(b) Members of the Committee shall be selected according to their experience and expertise related to teachers' organisations and the trade union movement in general. They shall not be members of the Executive Board, of governing bodies of member organisations, or hold other positions in organisations which may create conflicts of interests affecting the impartiality of judgments.
(c) The term of office of the Committee shall be four (4) years. The Committee shall be appointed at the first Executive Board meeting following an ordinary session of the World Congress. Members are eligible for re-appointment. In case of misconduct or dereliction of duty, the Executive Board may remove a member from office.
(d) In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Committee of Experts, a replacement shall be appointed by the Executive Board for the remainder of the term of the member whose place becomes vacant.
(e) The Committee shall only examine cases referred to it by the Executive Board regarding:
(i) applications for membership in respect of which the Board considers that conformity with the membership criteria is not evident;
(ii) member organisations which have been charged by another member organisation or by the Board with failure to conform to the membership criteria;
(iii) member organisations whose membership has been suspended under the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution.
(f) When a case is referred to the Committee the Chairperson may designate one or more members to conduct an enquiry. The organisation concerned shall be notified that enquiry has been opened. The enquiry must respect rules of due process, including the right of the organisation concerned to a hearing and to present documentation. The enquiry shall be completed according to a time-scale pre-determined by the Committee. The report resulting from this enquiry must be considered by the Committee as a whole, which is required to make a finding as to whether the member or applicant organisation is in conformity with the membership criteria of the Education International;
(g) If the Committee of Experts finds conformity with the criteria:
(i) in the case of a member organisation of the Education International, it shall be proposed that the Executive Board confirm its membership status;
(ii) in the case of an applicant organisation, the Executive Board shall be notified that there is no statutory obstacle to admission.
(h) If the Committee of Experts finds non-conformity with the criteria, unless the Executive Board determines that the procedures followed by the Committee of Experts were not impartial, or that due process was not respected:
(i) in the case of a member organisation of the Education International, the organisation shall be suspended for a period of three years, unless the Executive Board
· by majority vote, provides for a shorter period of suspension;
· by two thirds majority, votes to exclude the organisation from membership. At the end of the period of suspension the question of whether the organisation is in conformity or non-conformity with the membership criteria shall be re-examined by the Committee of Experts.
(ii) in the case of an applicant organisation, it may be offered associate membership, as provided for in By-Law 3, or the application shall be rejected. The Executive Board may offer to assist such organisation to meet the membership criteria.
(i) The Committee shall present its finding to the Executive Board, together with a written report describing its enquiry and showing, in the event that the Committee's conclusions are not unanimous, details of its votes on the finding.
(j) The member or applicant organisation concerned shall be informed of the Committee's finding. The organisation has the right to lodge an objection to the Executive Board if it considers that the enquiry was not impartial or that due process was not followed. If such an objection is lodged, the Executive Board must satisfy itself that the Committee's finding was arrived at in an impartial manner and with respect for due process. If the Board is not so satisfied, it shall refer the case back to the Committee for a new enquiry.
(k) Notice shall be sent to any member or applicant organisation which has been a party to a case shall be informed within fifteen days of the decision. Appeals to the World Congress concerning cases considered by the Executive Board on the basis of a finding by the Committee of Experts may be filed only by:
(i) an organisation which has been suspended or excluded from membership;
(ii) a member organisation which has been party to a case before the Committee of Experts involving another member organisation;
(iii) an organisation whose application for membership has been denied because of a finding of the Committee of Experts.
In these cases any appeal must be filed in writing to the General Secretary not more than 120 days after the decision of the Executive Board and must be based upon the proposition that the procedures followed by the Committee of Experts and the Executive Board were not impartial or that due process was not respected. The decision of the World Congress shall be final.
(l) The Executive Board shall make the budgetary allocation necessary to cover the Committee's expenses.
(a) At least six months prior to the opening of the Congress member organisations shall be sent provisional notification by the General Secretary of the number of delegates and votes to be allocated to them.
(b) Member organisations entitled to send delegates to the Congress shall, three months prior to the opening of the Congress, furnish the General Secretary with the names of such delegates. One month prior to the opening of the Congress the General Secretary shall issue to each delegate a credential certifying that he/she has been named as a delegate by a member organisation.
(c) A delegate who is unable to attend the Congress may be replaced by a substitute from the organisation concerned provided that written notice of such substitution signed by an authorized officer of the organisation concerned is received by the General Secretary.
(d) In order for the Congress to open at least one third of the member organisations having at least 50% of the total voting entitlement must be registered. A majority of the registered delegates shall constitute a quorum.
(a) At the discretion of the Executive Board organisations and individuals may be invited to attend the Congress as guests.
(b) A member organisation may designate a reasonable number of observers from among its membership or staff.
(c) Observers and guests may address the Congress if invited to do so by the Chair.
The Plenary Sessions shall be public except when the Congress decides to declare a closed session at which time only delegates and observers shall be present.
The President shall preside over the Congress. In his/her absence, a Vice-President shall preside, preference being given to the Vice-President with longest service in this office. If neither the President nor a Vice-President is available the meeting shall elect a chairperson from among the members of the Executive Board.
(a) Credentials Committee
In accordance with Article 9(h) of the Constitution, the Executive Board shall appoint a Credentials Committee which shall be composed of at least three members. The Committee shall:
(i) verify and determine the allocation of delegate credentials;
(ii) verify and determine the voting rights for each member organisation;
(iii) submit a report to the Congress during the first business session.
Pending the adoption of the Committee's report by the Congress, any delegate whose credentials are challenged shall enjoy full rights as a delegate.
(b) Elections Committee
The Congress shall elect an Elections Committee which shall be composed of at least five members and shall include delegates from all regions. The Committee shall:
(i) ensure that elections are conducted fairly and in accordance with the Constitution and with By-law 15;
(ii) report the results of each election to the Congress.
(c) Resolutions Committee
(i) At its penultimate ordinary meeting prior to each quadrennial Congress, the Executive Board shall appoint a Resolutions Committee. The Resolutions Committee shall take up office immediately after the Executive Board Meeting and the term of office of the Committee will end at the end of the quadrennial Congress.
(ii) The Committee shall be composed of a Chairperson, who shall be a Vice-President of the organisation, and five other members, appointed by the Executive Board on the basis of one representative from each region. At least three of the members of the Committee shall be women. Four members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
(iii) The Committee shall:
· consider all resolutions and amendments to resolutions submitted to the Congress;
· prepare and present to the Congress, if necessary, recommendations regarding these resolutions and amendments, including the order of debate;
· prepare, if necessary, and present composite texts to the Congress;
· present recommendations regarding whether or not proposed urgent resolutions meet the specified criteria of urgency for such resolutions and for the content of such resolutions.
(iv) The Resolutions Committee shall consult with member organisations, which have proposed resolutions or amendments, when it proposes to composite or otherwise alter their proposed resolution or amendment.
(v) The Resolutions Committee shall meet prior to each Congress, after the date for receipt of amendments to resolutions for Congress, to prepare its initial set of recommendations on resolutions and their amendments and the order of debate, for presentation to Congress. It may also conduct its business by electronic means.
(vi) The Committee will submit its initial report, setting out the sequence in which resolutions and amendments to them will be taken at Congress, to the General Secretary, at least one week prior to the opening of Congress.
(vii) The Committee will also meet on the first day of Congress to examine any urgent resolutions and prepare its recommendations thereon for Congress.
(viii) The Committee will meet as necessary during Congress to deal with any further relevant issues which arise, including making recommendations for changes in the order of debate of resolutions on the Congress agenda, if such becomes necessary.”
(d) Audit Committee
(i) Congress shall appoint an internal Audit Committee consisting of one representative of a member organisation from each of the five regions.
(ii) The Chair of the Finance Committee and the President and General Secretary, or a designate, shall also be ex-officio members of the Audit Committee.
(iii) The role of the internal Audit Committee is to examine the annual audited accounts of EI and report thereon to the next Congress.
(iv) The Audit Committee shall meet between Congresses to review the accounts and prepare a report on the financial statements for the next Congress.
(v) The members of the Audit Committee referred to in (i) above, shall be nominated by member organisations to the Executive Board prior to Congress on the basis of their expertise in financial matters.
(vi) The Executive Board shall recommend one such nominated representative from each region to the Congress for appointment to the internal Audit Committee.
(vii) The term of office of each member of the Audit Committee, other than the ex-officio members, shall expire at the end of the Congress after the one at which the member is appointed.
(e) Meetings of the Credentials Committee, the Elections Committee, Resolutions Committee and the internal Audit Committee shall meet in closed session.
(f) Voting in Committees shall be by show of hands and decisions shall be made on the basis of a simple majority.
(g) The Congress may establish other Committees for the conduct of its business.
(a) A delegate or member of the Executive Board shall speak only once in a debate, unless otherwise agreed by the Congress. The representative of a Congress Committee presenting a report or a mover of a motion, resolution or amendment (not concerning a motion of procedure) shall have the right of reply at the close of debate on an item.
(b) A request to speak shall be made in writing to the Chair, except when related to a point of order or procedure. The Chair shall call upon speakers in the order in which they signify their desire to speak. The Chair may call a speaker to order if his/her remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion.
(c) The time limit applicable to all proposers of resolutions and contributors to debates or discussions other than on resolutions shall be five minutes, except on procedural questions, when the Chair shall limit each intervention to a maximum of three minutes. All speakers in a debate on a resolution or an amendment to it, other than the proposer of the resolution, shall be allowed to speak for no more than three minutes.When a delegate exceeds the allotted time, the Chair may call that delegate to order without delay. In the interest of completing particular items of business, the Chair may, with the permission of the Congress, reduce the length of time speakers are permitted to twominutes.
(d) The General Secretary shall have the right to speak on any subject.
(a) Resolutions, written in one of the four official languages, shall be submitted to and received by the General Secretary at least four months prior to the opening of the Congress. They shall be translated and distributed to the member organisations at least three months prior to the opening of the Congress.
(b) Each member organisation may propose resolutions for Congress on policy or related matters but it must propose the resolutions in a format prescribed by the Resolutions Committee and approved by the Executive Board.
(c) Amendments to resolutions, written in one of the four official languages, shall be submitted to and received by the General Secretary at least eight weeks prior to the opening of the Congress.
(d) Amendments to resolutions, which are submitted to correct translations of the text of the resolution, may be inserted without presentation to Congress, if the Resolutions Committee deems the proposed correction valid.
(e) The Resolutions Committee shall determine whether a resolution or amendment is in order. The Resolutions Committee shall also make proposals for the compositing of resolutions and amendments. The Resolutions Committee shall issue its initial report and recommendations to the General Secretary at least one week prior to the opening day of Congress. The report will be made available online and issued to delegates on the opening day of Congress. If the determination of the Resolutions Committee is challenged by a delegation, it shall then be put to the Congress whose decision shall be final.
(f) The Resolutions Committee shall indicate where a proposed resolution is already policy and, accordingly, advise the Chair of Congress that the length of the time provided for debate on such resolution should be curtailed.
(g) Urgent resolutions
Urgent resolutions may be considered in the case of matters arising less than three months prior to the opening of the Congress.
(i) Urgent resolutions, written in one of the four official languages, shall be submitted to and received by the General Secretary prior to the end of the opening session of the Congress. If exceptional events occur during a Congress, urgent resolutions on those events may be considered with the approval of two-thirds of the delegates present and voting. Urgent resolutions shall be translated and distributed to the delegates as soon as possible.
(ii) The Resolutions Committee shall determine whether an urgent resolution is in order. If the determination of the Resolutions Committee is challenged by a delegation, it shall then be put to the Congress whose decision shall be final.
(iii) Amendments to urgent resolutions may be presented verbally to the Congress during debate.
(iv) The Chair shall determine whether an amendment to an urgent resolution is in order. If the determination of the Chair is challenged by a delegation, it shall then be put to the Congress whose decision shall be final.
(h) The debate on a resolution or amendment shall not commence before the texts have been translated and distributed to the delegates, except in the case of an amendment to an urgent resolution which is presented orally.
(i) If a member organisation which submitted a resolution accepts an amendment to that resolution, the amended resolution shall form the basis for any further debate.
(a) The debate on a question may be interrupted at any time by a point of order or by a motion of procedure. The Chair shall give an immediate ruling in response to a point of order.
(b) A motion challenging the ruling of the Chair shall be put immediately to a vote.
(c) A motion of procedure shall be required in order:
(i) to adjourn the sitting;
(ii) to adjourn the debate;
(iii) to close the debate and/or vote on the item under discussion;
(iv) to proceed with the next item on the agenda.
(d) The above or any other motion of procedure shall be put immediately to a vote, except that the delegation submitting the resolution under discussion, may exercise its right to reply.
(a) Upon registration each delegate shall be given a voting card.
(b) Voting shall be by show of voting cards. If a delegation requests a roll call vote, the request must be supported by at least five delegations holding 20 percent of the total voting rights before such a vote shall be taken.
(c) The Chair shall appoint a maximum of six tellers who shall assist in:
(i) counting of voting cards, if requested;
(ii) in a roll call vote, distributing ballot papers to each delegation, collecting and counting them;
(iii) any other related activity that the Chair may require
(d) A resolution, motion or amendment shall be declared defeated if an equal number of votes has been cast in favour and against it.
(e) An amendment to a resolution shall be voted upon before the resolution concerned is put to a vote.
(f) If there is more than one resolution on the same matter, the Chair shall determine the order in which these resolutions or amendments shall be voted upon by the Congress, starting with the text farthest from the status quo. In the event that a majority vote is carried in favour of a resolution or an amendment to a resolution, which renders the alternative(s) redundant, the latter(s) shall not be put to a vote.
(g) In the event that none of the resolutions or amendments to a resolution is farther from the status quo than the other, the Congress shall determine the order in which these resolutions and amendments to a resolution shall be voted upon. In the event that a majority vote is carried in favour of such a resolution or amendment, the alternative(s) shall be considered redundant and shall not be put to a vote.
(a) The number of votes to which each organisation is entitled shall be determined as provided in Article 9(f) of the Constitution, whereby the membership of each organisation be calculated on the basis of the average amount of affiliation fees paid since the preceding Congress or between the year of affiliation and the Congress.
(b) Any proxy must be presented in writing, signed by an authorised officer of the concerned member organisation, to the General Secretary prior to the opening of the Congress. No organisation may exercise more than three proxies, and proxies may only be exercised on behalf of organisations from the same region.
(a) Elections shall be conducted by the Elections Committee.
(b) Prior to the elections each delegation shall receive a copy of the report of the Credentials Committee, showing the voting entitlement of delegations and proxy voting rights.
(c) Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot in the following order: President, Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, regional members of the Executive Board and other members of the Executive Board. The Congress programme shall specify the period of time between each of the above elections.
(d) For each ballot, voting papers shall be prepared showing the names of candidates, listed in alphabetical order of family names. The Elections Committee shall give to a representative of each member organisation the number of voting papers indicated by the report of the Credentials Committee.
(e) Votes must be cast for a number of candidates equal to the number of positions to be filled. A voting paper with votes cast for a greater or lesser number shall be invalid.
(f) If the number of candidates for any position is equal to the number of vacancies for that position, the candidate(s) shall be declared elected, unless
(i) at least five delegations holding 20 percent of the total voting rights request a secret ballot, or
(ii) the candidates do not meet the requirements of the relevant Articles or By-Laws.
(g) For the position of President and General Secretary a candidate must receive at least half plus one of the total votes cast in order to be elected. If no candidate receives such majority on the first ballot, a run-off ballot shall be held between the two candidates receiving the most votes.
(h) In the election of Vice Presidents, if there are more than five (5) candidates, delegations shall vote for five (5) candidates only. To meet the requirements of the final sentence of Article 10 (c), the necessary number of women candidates, not from the same region, with the highest number of votes shall be elected first. To meet the requirements of Article 10 (c)(i), the number of candidates from the other regions necessary to fill the remaining positions with the highest number of votes shall be elected next.
(i) In the case of
(i) an uncontested election for which a secret ballot is held under 15 (f) and the candidate(s) do(es) not obtain the majority specified in 15 (g),
(ii) the candidates do not meet the requirements of the relevant Articles and By-Laws;
new nominations shall be called and a new election conducted according to deadlines determined by the Congress.
(j) Subject to the provisions of Article 10 (c) (iii) and subject to the last sentence of Article 10 (c),for other positions on the Executive Board and for any other elections conducted at the World Congress, candidates receiving the highest number of votes corresponding to the number of positions to be filled, shall be declared elected.
(k) A candidate for the office of President, Vice-President or General Secretary must be nominated by at least four member organisations from different countries, including his/her own organisation. Nominations for these offices, together with a statement signed by the candidate accepting nomination, must be filed with the General Secretary not less than four months before the opening of the Congress. The names of all candidates shall be sent to all member organisations at least three months before the opening of the World Congress.
(l) A candidate for other positions on the Executive Board must be nominated by at least two member organisations, including his/her own organisation. Nominations for these positions, accompanied by a statement signed by the candidate accepting nomination, shall be filed with the General Secretary in accordance with deadlines determined by the Congress.
(m) If as a result of withdrawal or other reason the number of candidates is less than the number of vacancies, electoral arrangements shall be made at the Congress.
The General Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that a record is kept of every vote and all the proceedings of the Congress.
In all questions of order not specified above, the Chair shall recommend appropriate procedures to the Congress.
(a) The President of the Education International shall be chairperson of the Executive Board. In his/her absence, a Vice-President shall preside, preference being given to the Vice President with longest service in this office. If neither the President nor a Vice-President is available, the Executive Board shall elect a chairperson from among its members.
(b) The first meeting of the new Executive Board shall be held before the members leave the place of the Congress.
(c) The Executive Board shall meet at least once in any calendar year in addition to meetings immediately before and after the Congress. An extraordinary meeting of the Executive Board may be convened in accordance with Article 10(j) of the Constitution.
(a) Finance Committee
At its first meeting after the Congress the Executive Board shall appoint the Finance Committee. The terms of reference of the Finance Committee are given in By-law 27 (c).
(b) Constitution and By-laws Committee
At its first meeting after the Congress the Executive Board shall appoint at least three of its members to form the Constitution and By-laws Committee. The Executive Board shall appoint the Committee's Chairperson who shall preside over the Committee's meetings and who shall be the Committee's spokesperson.
The regions are defined in Article 13 of the Constitution. Allocation of countries to these regions shall be determined by the Executive Board which shall undertake any necessary consultations. These allocations shall be published in the Handbook. The Executive Board shall also allocate countries to sub-regional or cross-regional structures, where applicable, after undertaking the necessary consultations with the member organisations concerned.
(a) By-laws of a regional structure, submitted to the Executive Board in accordance with Article 13(c) of the Constitution, must satisfy the following conditions:
(i) A region shall be defined as one of the five regions named in Article 13(a) of the Constitution.
(ii) All member organisations in a region shall be included in the regional structure.
(iii) The designation, functions, method of election and term of office of regional office holders shall be clearly set out at the first meeting of the regional grouping, convened by the General Secretary.
(iv) The organisation and methods of governance of the regional structure, the frequency of meeting of its various bodies, and the quorum applicable to each meeting shall be clearly specified.
(v) Provision shall be made for the permanent presence of at least one member of the Executive Board of the Education International in the governing body of the regional grouping. Unless regional by-laws provide that they are members of regional governing structures, members of the Executive Board who are not elected members of their region’s governing structures, shall be ex-officio members of the structures, without voting rights.
(vi) Ultimate responsibility for administration and communication shall rest with the General Secretary of the Education International who shall present reports to each meeting of the Executive Board.
(vii) In the event of any conflict over provisions of the regional structure and those of the Education International, the provisions of the Constitution and the By-laws of the Education International shall prevail.
(i) Regional structures shall provide annually to the General Secretary a budget and a programme of activities which shall be consistent with the aims and policies of EI.
(ii) The accounts of regional structures, setting out all revenue and expenditure shall be audited annually. The audited accounts of the regional structures shall be provided annually to the Executive Board and be included in the final financial report submitted to Congress.
Subject to approval by the Executive Board, a regional structure may establish supplementary membership dues to be paid by member organisations in the concerned region. The supplementary membership fee shall be:
(i) a percentage in addition to the membership dues of the Education International.
(ii) collected by the Education International.
(b) In no instance shall the supplementary membership dues paid to the regional structure be greater than or calculated on a different basis to the membership dues paid to EI.
In composing all committees, the Executive Board shall take into account regional and gender balance.
(a) The purpose of an advisory body shall be specified by the Executive Board, in line with the programme and budget priorities established by the World Congress.
(b) Advisory bodies may include round tables, working groups, task forces, or similar bodies established in order to:
(i) advise the Executive Board on educational, professional or other issues of concern to teachers and other educational employees:
(ii) recommend activities to be undertaken by Education International, including seminars, conferences, studies or other activities, and advise on their implementation;
(iii) implement activities upon the mandate of the Executive Board; or
(iv) assist with the drafting of future policy or program proposals.
(c) Advisory bodies shall account for all activities in written reports presented through the General Secretary.
(d) The staff providing services to an advisory body, shall be assigned by the General Secretary.
(e) Any proposal for an activity of an advisory body which involves expenditures by Education International must be accompanied by a full statement of costs and shall not be undertaken without the prior approval of the Executive Board or the General Secretary.
(a) The Status of Women Committee shall:
(i) advise the Executive Board on issues related to women and girls;
(ii) recommend policies and activities to be adopted and undertaken by the Education International, including seminars, conferences, studies or other activities, and advise on their implementation,
(iii) provide written annual reports through the General Secretary to the Executive Board.
(b) The Committee shall meet in conjunction with meetings of the Executive Board.
(c) The staff providing service to the Status of Women Committee shall be assigned by the General Secretary, who shall, in consultation with the Chairperson, convene and prepare Committee meetings.
(d) Any proposal for an activity of the Status of Women Committee which involves expenditures by the Education International must be accompanied by a full statement of costs and shall not be undertaken without the prior approval of the Executive Board or the General Secretary.
The President and General Secretary shall be ex officio members of all Committees of the Education International, with the exception of the Elections Committee, and shall have voting rights.
(a) The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Officers and two additional members of the Executive Board, to be appointed by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall appoint the Committee's Chairperson who shall preside over the Committee's meetings and shall be the Committee's spokesperson.
(b) A member shall be appointed for a term of four years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
(c) The Committee shall:
(i) present the financial report and propose a budget to the Executive Board and on its behalf to the Congress;
(ii) make recommendations to the Executive Board concerning the management and financial administration of the Education International;
(iii) inform the Executive Board about arrears of membership dues and make recommendations regarding the implementation of Article 7(l) of the Constitution and of By-law 28;
(iv) make recommendations to the Executive Board concerning salaries and conditions of employment of staff members;
(v) make recommendations to the Executive Board concerning salary and conditions of employment of the General Secretary;
(vi) inform the Executive Board about the financial implications of any decision or proposed decision;
(vii) analyze and report upon any other question which the Executive Board may refer to the Committee concerning the revenue, expenditure, investments, accounts, properties and operational costs of the Education International.
(d) The Committee shall meet in conjunction with each ordinary meeting of the Officers andimmediately prior to each meeting of the Executive Board.
(e) In each year the Committee shall consider an audited statement and balance sheet for the preceding year, a revised budget for the current year and a budget for the following year, presented by the General Secretary.
(f) In a year in which a Congress is to be held, the Committee shall consider an audited statement and balance sheet for the preceding year, a revised budget for the current year and a general budget for the following years including the year in which the next Congress is to be held. This general budget shall be drafted by the General Secretary.
(g) The Committee shall receive any other information from the General Secretary that it deems relevant for the accomplishment of its tasks.
(a) The dues payable to the Education International by a member organisation shall be determined by the Congress.
(b) The membership dues shall be receivable not later than March 31 each year and shall be computed on the total membership of the member organisation on September 30 of the preceding year.
(c) Each member organisation shall notify the Education International not later than November 30 of each year of its membership figures on the preceding September 30 of the year and shall provide any other information required for the calculation of dues. The Executive Board may request a member organisation to substantiate such information.
(d) In the event that a member organisation fails to provide the required information before November 30 or to meet a request to substantiate such information within one month, the Executive Board, may determine a per capita amount on the basis of information provided by other sources, which shall then be due to the Education International.
(e) Membership dues shall be paid in a convertible currency to be determined by the Executive Board.
(f) If in any year the payments received prior to March 31 are less than the amount determined in accordance with the previous paragraphs, the member organisation shall be informed that it is in arrears, and all payments received subsequent to March 31, whether in that year or in following years, shall in the first instance be applied to the reduction or elimination of the arrears.
(g) If a member organisation is unable to fulfil its financial obligations, owing to extraordinary circumstances, the Executive Board shall have the authority to reach a special agreement with that organisation entailing:
(i) a delay of payment; or
(ii) a payment on a reduced membership; or
(iii) payment in a non-convertible currency; or, in extreme cases,
(iv) an exemption from part or all of the payment of membership dues.
(h) Special agreements shall expire normally at the end of the financial year in which they are reached, but may be renewed in the following year. In exceptional circumstances a special agreement may be approved for a period of up to three years. Agreements that concern payment in a non-convertible currency shall establish the real value of the agreed payment in a convertible currency which shall constitute the basis of the calculation of the number of delegates and votes at the Congress to be allocated to the organisation concerned. Special agreements shall be reported to each Congress.
(i) The number of delegates and votes at the Congress to be allocated to a member organisation shall be calculated according to the average number of members for which membership dues have been paid since the preceding Congress or since the year of affiliation, after adjustment has been made in respect of any arrears owing for preceding years.
The Executive Board shall establish a policy for the receipt of other income.
(a) Authority for the expenditure of funds is provided within the framework of the budget, and, subject to decision of the Congress and the Executive Board, is vested in the General Secretary, who has power to delegate.
(b) Bank accounts in the host country of the main office or elsewhere may be opened on the instructions of the General Secretary with the approval of the Executive Board. Statements for each account shall be presented to the Finance Committee at each of its meetings.
(c) The General Secretary shall be a signatory for all accounts. Signing authority may also be held by other persons designated by resolution of the Executive Board on the recommendation of the General Secretary.
(d) Cheques, payment orders and other negotiable instruments having a value in excess of an amount to be determined by the Executive Board must bear the signatures of two duly authorised persons.
(e) The Executive Board shall establish regulations to govern the payment of expenses to those traveling on Education International business, financial procedures relating to the Congress, banking, and such other matters as it considers necessary.
(a) The Solidarity Fund shall be used
(i) To develop co-operation programmes with individual teacher organizations to help them achieve their goal of strengthening their functioning.
(ii) To assist member organizations in emergencies such as natural disasters, famine, war, persecution or other life-threatening situations; this short-term relief will help to ensure the survival of the organization and/or its members during a particular crisis.
(b) All member organisations shall be invited to contribute to the Fund according to their means. Member organisations shall be requested to renew their contribution to the Fund on an annual basis.
(c) Education International shall make an annual contribution to the Fund equal to 0.7% of its annual dues income.
d) The Fund shall be established in a special interest bearing account separate and apart from other Education International accounts.
(e) The member organisations in need shall present a request for assistance outlining the purposes for which that assistance will be used.
(f) The General Secretary shall obtain such information as is necessary to make a decision and shall report that decision to the Finance Committee.
(g) The receiving organisation(s) shall provide a report on the use of the funds allocated.
(h) Reports on the use of the Fund shall be provided on an annual basis to all member organisations which contributed.
(i) The Fund will be subject to external audit, a report of which shall be set out separately in the financial report to the World Congress.
(a) The Congress shall have the authority to amend the By-laws.
(b) Proposals for amending the By-laws shall be submitted to the General Secretary not later than six months prior to the opening of the Congress. The General Secretary shall circulate the proposed amendments to the member organisations not later than three months prior to the opening of the Congress.
(c) Any amendment to the By-laws shall be valid only if it obtains a majority of the votes cast.
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