EI launches Japan earthquake and tsunami fund

EI is committed to supporting its member organisation, the Japan Teachers' Union, to help teachers and students through this difficult time and in the coming months.

Early estimates suggest 10,000 casualties, while nuclear radiation leaks from power plants mean that the full extent of the crisis may yet be unknown.

Japan’s Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said that Japan was facing “its worst crisis in more than half a century.”

The prefectures of Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima have been particularly badly hit, and their humanitarian needs are great. Temporary shelter, food and medical supplies are the urgent needs being addressed on the ground now. Rebuilding affected communities and schools in the longer term will be an immense task.

EI encourages all member organisations who wish to show solidarity with members of the Japan Teachers' Union, and the Japanese people, to make their contribution to the EI Solidarity Fund.

Donations can be transferred to the following account:

Education International

ING Bank

Rue du Champ de Mars, 23

1000 Brussels

Account number: 310-1006170-75

IBAN: BE05 3101 0061 7075



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