By-Laws Of Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP)
The Regional structure of the Education International in Asia-Pacific shall be named Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP).
The Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) shall be composed of the member organisations of the Education International in the Asian-Pacific region as defined by the Executive Board of the Education International.
The function of the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) shall be:
- to advise the Executive Board of the Education International on policies and activities to be undertaken by the Education International in Asia-Pacific, and to assist in the implementation of these policies and activities;
- to promote the aims and principles of the Education International in the Asian-Pacific region;
- to promote regional cooperation and collective action to protect and advance the rights and interests of teachers and education employees, and of education at the Asian-Pacific level;
- to cooperate with the COPE, ACT and STF;
- to participate in the formulation of EI policy at the world level with particular regard to the World Congress.
- The Regional Conference shall be the supreme authority of the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP).
- An ordinary session of the Regional Conference shall:
- adopt its rules of procedures and agenda;
- elect the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and other members of the Regional Committee;
- determine the policies, principles of action and program of the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP);
- approve the activity report, the financial report and the proposed budget;
- determine the supplemental membership fees.
- Subject to approval by the Executive Board of the Education International the Regional Conference shall have the authority to amend the By-laws by a majority vote.
- The Regional Conference shall be composed of delegates representing member organisations and of the members of the Regional Committee.
- Each member organisation shall be entitled to one delegate and one additional delegate for every 20,000 members, or a part there of, with a maximum of 25 delegates.
- Votes shall be allocated to each member organisation whose membership fees have been paid in full prior to the Conference in accordance with the following scales:
- up to 1,000 members,1 vote
- and more than 1.000 members, 1 additional vote for every 1,000 members, or a part thereof.
- Member organisations shall receive provisional notification by the Regional Committee of the number of delegates and votes to be allocated to them. A credentials Committee to be appointed by the Regional Committee shall verify and determine the allocation of delegate credentials and voting rights for each member organisation. No roll-call voting shall take place until the Regional Conference has adopted the report of the Credentials Committee.
- The venue, date and provisional agenda regional Conference shall be determined by the Regional Committee. Notification of the convening of the Regional Conference shall be given at least six (6) months prior to the scheduled date.
- The Regional Conference shall meet at least once every four years.
- The Regional Committee shall direct the affairs and activities of the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) between the Regional Conferences.
- The Regional Committee shall:
- draft the agenda for the regional conference;
- review implementation of the resolutions and decisions of the Regional Conference;
- initiate policies and actions in accordance with the resolutions and decisions of the Regional Conference, and with the aims and principles of the Education International;
- review and approve financial statements and submit a budget of the Regional Conference;
- be the authority to interpret the EIAP By-laws subject to the approval of the EI Executive Board.
- The Regional Committee shall be composed as follows:
- Chairperson 1
- Vice-Chairpersons (one man and one woman) 2
- One man from each from SAARC, ASEAN, Pacific, North Asia and West Asia sub-regions 5
- One woman from each of the sub-regions 5
- Open seats 6
No affiliate shall have more than one seat on the Regional Committee except in case of being elected to the EI Executive Board.
- EI Executive Board members in the Region shall also be the members of the Regional Committee
- The General Secretary of the Education International, or his/her representative, shall be ex-officio member of the Regional Committee without voting rights.
- Elections shall be carried out as follows:
- No election shall be carried out until a minimum number of candidatures has been nominated which satisfy the requirements of this article.
- Where the number of candidates is greater than the number to be elected, each member organisation shall receive a ballot paper on which shall be indicated the number of votes allocated to that organisation.
- The first election shall be for the office of Chairperson. Where ballot papers are issued, member organisations which choose to vote shall vote for one candidate. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be declared elected.
- The second election shall be for the office of Vice Chairpersons. Where ballot papers are issued, member organisations which choose to vote shall vote for two candidates. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. To fulfill the requirement of the Article 5 (c) (ii) one woman receiving the highest number of votes amongst the women candidates shall also be declared elected.
- The third election shall be for the sixteen (16) committee members. The organisations which choose to vote shall vote for one man and one woman from each of the five sub-regions and for the six candidates under the open seats as mentioned in article 5 (c) (iii), (iv) and (v). The candidates with the highest numbers of votes under each of the category shall be declared elected.
- The term of office of each member of the Regional Committee shall be four years and shall expire:
- at the end of the Regional Conference; or
- at such time as an organisation to which the member belongs is no longer a member of the Education International.
- A member of the Regional Committee who retires in accordance with paragraph 5(g)(i) shall be eligible for election.
- Article 10 (e), (f), (g), of the Constitution of the Education International shall be applicable to members of the Regional Committee. In the event of removal the member concerned shall have the right to appeal to the Regional Conference.
- In the event of a vacancy, the Regional Committee may appoint a replacement. If the vacancy occurs:
- in the position of Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson shall be appointed as Chairperson until the next Regional Conference;
- in the position of Vice Chairperson, a member of the Regional Committee shall be appointed until the next Regional Conference;
For other vacancies, the Regional Committee shall seek a nomination, to which it shall give strong consideration, from the national organisation of the member being replaced.
- The Regional Committee shall meet at least three times between Regional Conference.
In the absence of the Chairperson, one of the Vice Presidents shall:
- chair the Regional Conference;
- chair the meeting of the Regional Committee;
- maintain liaison with the Executive Board of the Education International between meetings of the Regional Committee.
The Secretariat and financial administration shall be provided by the General Secretary of the Education International.
- Supplementary membership dues to be paid by the member organisations shall be determined by the Regional Conference on a per capital basis in accordance with by-law 21 of the Education International,
- The supplementary dues shall cover all expenses related to the regional Committee and other regional activities.
- Supplementary dues shall be paid to the Education International before 31 March of each year, and shall be computed on the membership reported as of the preceding year.
- Any organisation which is more than twelve (12) months in arrears of the payment of its supplementary membership dues, without the approval of the Regional Committee, may, at the recommendation of the Regional Committee, be suspended by the Executive Board of the Education International in accordance with Article 7(l) of the Constitution.
- If a member organisation is unable to fulfil its financial obligations, owing to extraordinary circumstances, the Regional Committee may recommend to the Executive Board of the Education International, in accordance with Article 19 (c) of the Constitution, to grant a delay, a temporary deduction or, in extreme cases, a temporary exemption from the payment of such supplementary fees.