EI Africa Research Network Shares Evidence-Based Strategies to Advance Education and the Teaching Profession in Africa

On July 17, 2024,  EI Africa convened an online meeting of the regional Research Network (ResNet).  Held under the theme, "Using Research Evidence to Advance Education and the Teaching Profession in Africa", the main objective of the webinar was to share data on education financing, the status of the teaching profession, teachers' employment, and working conditions, school infrastructure, teacher well-being, social and political dialogue, equity and inclusion, as well as other relevant data on access and quality of education.
Dennis Sinyolo, Regional Director of EI Africa, emphasized the importance of research in underpinning unions' advocacy, lobbying, and campaign efforts. He cited the example of EI's global campaign against the privatization and commercialization of education, which succeeded due to a strong evidence base. The EI Africa Research Network, launched in 2022, aims to help EI member organizations in Africa share research evidence and develop evidence-informed advocacy strategies.
The event provided a platform for EI member organizations to discuss the use of research in their advocacy work – participants also exchanged successful strategies used by unions to influence their government’s education policies. 
Dr. Sinyolo encouraged participants to further engage in collecting and sharing research data to strengthen unions, education systems, and the teaching profession for the benefit of their members and students. He also invited unions that have not yet done so to launch EI's "Go Public! Fund Education" campaign in their respective countries. He also urged the unions to establish research desks or departments and to recruit research officers to lead their research work. 

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