EI Africa Relaunches SRGBV Campaign to Prioritize Safe and Inclusive Education

In a significant move to address the prevalent issue of school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV), Education International (EI) Africa  relaunched its SRGBV campaign on June 26, 2024. This virtual event brought together union representatives, partner organizations, and education stakeholders to share insights, deepen understanding, and commit to taking action against SRGBV.
SRGBV, a violation of children's rights, has been a persistent challenge, with an estimated 246 million children experiencing it globally every year. The campaign relaunch comes at a critical juncture, as the right to safe, quality, and inclusive education remains a fundamental human right.
"Education is a powerful tool in empowering and transforming the lives of children and adolescents," said the Regional Director of EI Africa. "However, for millions, education settings are far from being safe and peaceful environments, and we must prioritize addressing SRGBV to ensure all learners can fully benefit from their education."
The event featured insights and experiences shared by union representatives, highlighting the strategies employed by education unions in the fight against SRGBV. Participants also engaged in discussions to identify perspectives for moving the SRGBV work forward and secure a commitment from union leaders to support the eradication of SRGBV.
"This relaunch is a crucial step in our ongoing efforts to create safe and inclusive learning environments for all," said Mariama Chipkaou, EI Africa Chairperson. "We are confident that our union members' shared experiences and collective commitment will drive meaningful progress in addressing this critical issue."
Highlights from the Panel Discussion
Rebecca Ocran Abaidoo, the West Africa Women in Education Network (WAWEN) Coordinator, highlighted the Ghana unions' continued campaign against SRGBV, utilizing the power of the media as a broadcast tool to amplify their message and collaborate with like-minded organizations. 
Agnès Béatrice Bikoko, the Africa Women in Education Network (AWEN) President, shared that her union has designed professional conduct guidelines for all educators to better appreciate the existence of SRGBV and the best ways to eradicate it within the education sector.
Marie Antoinette Corr, the General Secretary of the Gambia Teachers' Union (GTU), emphasized that every program of their union has components dedicated to SRGBV, constantly reminding members of the need to eradicate this pervasive problem.
Filbert Baguma, the General Secretary of the Uganda National Teachers' Union (UNATU), stressed that SRGBV is a significant obstacle to students' enjoyment of education, underscoring the urgency for unions to prioritize this issue.
Basil Manuel, the Executive Director of the National Professional Teachers’ of Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA) , advocated for the incorporation of SRGBV into the operational manuals of unions, recognizing it as a prime concern that must be addressed at the institutional level.
Collectively, these union leaders' perspectives highlight the power of collaboration, awareness-raising, and institutional commitment in driving progress towards the eradication of school-related gender-based violence and ensuring safe and inclusive learning environments for all students.
As the EI Africa SRGBV campaign moves forward, the relaunch event aims to inspire renewed vigour and sustained action to ensure the right to a safe, quality, and inclusive education for every child and adolescent, and educator.

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