Mali: teacher unionists receive governmental promise to advance gender equity

Thirty SNEC leaders participated in the workshop on “Advocacy and Gender Mainstreaming in the Union and Education,” aiming at raising participants’ awareness on the importance of gender equality in unions, education and society, and building capacities in gender issues and advocacy.

Participants noted the traditional gender stereotypes, girl child’s education and empowerment are among the main challenges faced by women.

To help address those challenges, an advocacy team composed of union leaders and workshop participants lobbied institutions and NGO, such as the UNFPA, Oxfam- Novib and the Minister of Education, Literacy and National Languages. They were assisted by EI’s Africa regional coordinator for gender equality issues and AWEN Programme officer, Anais Dayamba.

Ms. Dayamba said: “Education unions play a key role in shaping education systems and changing societies by bringing transformative solutions to the same old problems. As such, unions need to be a role model in living the values of equality, diversity and empowerment of women. We are glad to see Malian authorities willing to help educators achieve gender equality in unions, education and society, one of EI’s principal aims and major work priorities since its founding Congress in 1995.”

She also announced a women’s network will be set up before the end of 2011 to build on the AWEN initiative in Mali, where only 31% of young women are literate.

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